
We investigate changes in neural circuits to understand neurodegenerative diseases

We focus on ALS-FTD pathophysiology with a systems neuroscience approach, to unravel the neural circuits affected in disease, and to find indicators for early diagnosis. Spatial transcriptomics, multiplexing techniques, gene therapy and machine learning-based behavioral analysis are applied to understand the roles of interneurons in disease and to find new targets for treatment.

Read about our latest results

Here you can find our new pre-prints and all our previously published articles.

Meet us

We are currently located at the Department of Neuroscience at University of Copenhagen (DK) and the School of Psychology and Neuroscience at University of St Andrews (UK).


Here are the links to our data and code repositories.

Join us

We are always looking for motivated young scientists with a genuine interest in systems neuroscience, behavioral analysis, computational analysis and transcriptomics.

Get in touch: iallodi@sund.ku.dk or ia51@st-andrews.ac.uk