Open positions

Open positions

Currently, there are no open positions but we always welcome researchers at all career stages interested in our research to contact us. For enquires, send an email to Ilary.

Filled positions

Lab manager part-time position at University of St Andrews (UK)
Project title: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, treating the circuit behind the disease

Previous laboratory experience in relevant research areas
Degree in relevant subjects (e.g., Neuroscience, Biology, Biotechnology…)
Previous experience with handling model organisms
Excellent communication skills

More information regarding the application
Application deadline 15 March 2024

This position is funded by the UKRI MRC

Lab assistant position at University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
Project title: Temporal dynamics of neural circuit degeneration in ALS

Co-supervised by Dr. Ilary Allodi and Dr. Beck Strohmer (Technical University of Denmark)
FELASA certificate
Basic knowledge of Python
Previous wet lab experience (DNA extraction and PCR)
For more information regarding applications email

Application deadline 15 September 2023
The position is funded by the Lundbeck foundation

PhD position at University of St Andrews (UK)
Project title: Facing Dementia: Investigating disease onset in a mouse model of Frontotemporal Dementia via Artificial Intelligence

More information regarding applications
Application deadline 15 March 2023

This scholarship is funded by the St Leonard’s Postgraduate College