The People
Get to know us

Ilary Allodi

Ilary Allodi
Principal Investigator (she/her)
Made in Italy, Scandinavian adopted, food&wine devotee, Pilates addicted, colors&patterns aesthete, interface hater, cat-lover-but-dog-aficionado, sun chaser, art cognoscente, writer dilettante, science&tech adept, GO&Chess player, wonderlands finder.
Here you can read more about me.
University of St Andrews profile
University of Copenhagen profile

Santiago Mora

Santiago Mora
Postdoc (he/him)
North adoptee missing the Mediterranean. I obtained my PhD in Neuroscience in 2018 and joined NCDL in fall 2021. Since then, I have worked on the role of inhibitory interneurons in ALS and a potential gene therapy for the disease, always committed to the right balance between experimental needs and the best ethical approach towards research animals. Out of the lab I play drums, lift heavy things and watch horror movies!

Beck Strohmer

Beck Strohmer
Postdoc (they/them)
Originally from the US, I moved to Denmark in 2008 working in supply chain management. In 2014, I went back to university and obtained my MSc in Engineering before completing a PhD in Neuromorphic Engineering. During my postdoc work, I have moved into the field of computational neuroscience, using my background building neural networks to study the breakdown in locomotion during neurodegenerative disease. Outside of work, I am part of the voguing scene in Denmark as well as an outspoken advocate for LGBTQ+ rights.
University of Copenhagen profile

Anna Villaume Stuckert

Anna Villaume Stuckert
PhD student (she/her)
I have a BSc in Cognitive Science with a thesis on interoceptive inference and decision-making from Aarhus University. I did my MSc in Neuroscience at the University of Copenhagen, with my thesis conducted in the NCDL group investigating the rescue of the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) motor phenotype by Esyt1 systemic overexpression upon AAV-PHP.eB virus intravenous delivery. I am currently pursuing a PhD at the University of St Andrews, where I’m investigating mouse emotional facial expressions in frontotemporal dementia (FTD) as a window to neural circuit deficits occurring early in disease. I’m doing this utilising a VR environment and new machine learning methodology to improve behavioural assessment in disease and healthy conditions, with fibre photometry and optogenetics for in-vivo neural circuit assessment. I have a keen interest in the FTD-ALS continuum, especially emotionality in FTD, as well as decision neuroscience and especially decision impairments in disease. I am also passionate about crafting, including knitting, sewing, embroidery, as well as painting.
University of St Andrews profile

Alexander Rodon

Alexander Rodon
PhD student (he/him)
I am a first-year PhD student. My research aims to unravel the role of Munc 13-1 in maintaining synaptic connectivity and motor functions within the motor system, and to understand how changes to this protein influence critical aspects of motor control. In my free time, I am a keen Golfer and love Liverpool football club!

Jui-Yi Chen

Jui-Yi Chen

Catrina Kivlin

Catrina Kivlin
Lab manager (she/her)

Nicole Johnstone

Nicole Johnstone
Master of Research (MRes) student (she/her)
I recently graduated with a BSc Neuroscience at St Andrews University, completing my dissertation in “Investigating Disease Onset in C9orf72 Mouse Model of Frontotemporal Dementia and Amytrophic Lateral Sclerosis Using Machine Learning”.
During my Master’s study I want to continue utilising machine-learning analysis techniques and also explore molecular biology techniques to better understand disease progression in ALS-FTD mouse models.
In my spare time I love hiking, cycling and going to the gym, with the aim of rehabbing to return to my main hobby, freestyle skiing.

Bergen Allee

Bergen Allee
Lab assistant (she/her)
My name is Bergen, originally from Colorado, I am doing my undergraduate at the university of St Andrews in Neuroscience. I am especially interested in learning more about Neurodegenerative disorders. I love to bake and cook for others, I enjoy going to the gym, and spending my nights in, watching movies. I play basketball for the university as well. I also love all animals, but I especially miss my dogs and cat from home.

Rocìo Rodulfo

Rocìo Rodulfo
Visiting PhD student (she/her)

Manuela Olmedo Cordoba

Manuela Olmedo Cordoba
Visiting PhD student (she/her)

Meiqi Cheng

Meiqi Cheng
Undergraduate student (she/her)

Kaitlyn Grosh

Kaitlyn Grosh
Undergraduate student (she/her)
Previous trainees
Rasmus von Huth Friis
Jan Kaminski
Juan Pineda
Lennart Groh
Roser Montañana-Rosell
Anastasia Seccombe
Kendra Melville
Haoyu (Harvey) Wang
Prof. Ole Kiehn
Dr. Raghavendra Selvan
Prof. Joost Verhaagen
Prof. Marco Beato
Dr. Andreas Toft Sørensen
Dr. Susana Aznar
Dr. Kirsten Svenstrup